Bug 1579292 Comment 1 Edit History

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The context of this changed enhancement has changed.  I corrected the mount logic in bug 1601451 to be resilient, but it's still annoying as a human when re-attaching to a stopped indexer to manually figure out which nvme partition to use.  That said, it might make sense to just moot this issue with a helper script that's automatically run when an indexer is restarted which is what I proposed in https://github.com/mozsearch/mozsearch/pull/261#issuecomment-566280672.
The context of this enhancement has changed.  I corrected the mount logic in bug 1601451 to be resilient, but it's still annoying as a human when re-attaching to a stopped indexer to manually figure out which nvme partition to use.  That said, it might make sense to just moot this issue with a helper script that's automatically run when an indexer is restarted which is what I proposed in https://github.com/mozsearch/mozsearch/pull/261#issuecomment-566280672.

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