The administration of the Mozilla Project and its servers (Website content bugs will belong in the product)

Select a component to see open bugs in that component:

Community Giving

Requests for assistance from Community Giving.

CVS: Administration

Various CVS administration requests should be filed here.

CVS: Copy

requests to copy files in CVS

Discussion Forums

Any issues having to do with adding/removing/renaming newsgroups or the setup of the hierarchy. Issues with server problems should continue to go in the Server Operations component.

FTP: Mirrors

For problems or configuration errors with the FTP mirrors in the and round-robin DNS pools. This is not for problems with content of the servers, only configuration and mirroring issues.

FTP: Staging

This component is for problems with, including content which is distributed to the and mirrors. Problems with content generated by automatic build processes should be filed in the Release Engineering component.

Github: Administration

Requests for administrative changes to Mozilla controlled organizations on Github, such as ACLs, repository creation or deletion, etc.


Issues that relate to the values that are shared between many participants in the Mozilla Project, such as accountability, cooperation, creativity, effort, fairness, fun, humour, integrity, learning, etc.

Heroku: Administration

Requests for administrative changes to the company Heroku account, such as account creation, dns modification, or team changes.


Issues related to the copyright licensing of code


Uncategorized things to do for Mozilla, the Mozilla Foundation,, etc.

For miscellaneous issues related to, see the "" product. For issues with the Web sites, see the "Websites" and the "" products.

Mobile Opportunity Research Initiative

A cross-Mozilla research project investigating how to put the power of the web in more hands, in more places— particularly emerging digital economies. (more info).

Repository Account Requests

File a bug here to request write access to a repository, or to upgrade an existing access level. Before you file a bug, read our Guide to Becoming a Mozilla Committer.

Security Assurance

For projects or tasks lead by the Security Assurance team. Note: specific security bugs should filed within the product:component for the software and not here.

Security Assurance: Applications

For Application Security related projects (file specific security vulnerabilities in the product:component for that software)

Security Assurance: Review Request

For any security review requests.

Server Operations: Community IT

Old bugs having to do with our Community infrastructure. File new bugs into Infrastructure & Operations :: Community IT.

Talkback Server & Webtool

for problems related to Talkback-Public, the interface for viewing/searching the public portion of talkback crash reports.

Test Tracker

For requesting testcases be added to the Test Tracker tool.


All Mozilla video and video-related projects.