Bug 1155772 Comment 1 Edit History

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I look at this a bit, I think we'll need to 
1. Change `FlexItem::{mBorderPadding,mMargin}` to store in `LogicalMargin`. I'm not sure which writing-mode we should use to store the `LogicalMargin` . It's straitforward to use flex item's writing-mode because it is from `ReflowInput`, but flex algorithm seems need to use flex container's writing-mode most of the cases.
2. Eliminate `AxisOrientationType` and `FlexboxAxisTracker::{GetMainAxis(),GetCrossAxis()}`, and use `FlexboxAxisTracker::{IsRowOriented(),IsColumnOriented} instead. 
3. Search for `XXXdholbert [BEGIN DEPRECATED]`,  and delete those code.

Did I miss anything?
I look at this a bit, I think we'll need to 
1. Change `FlexItem::{mBorderPadding,mMargin}` to store in `LogicalMargin`. I'm not sure which writing-mode we should use to store the `LogicalMargin` . It's straitforward to use flex item's writing-mode because it is from `ReflowInput`, but flex algorithm seems need to use flex container's writing-mode most of the cases.
2. Eliminate `AxisOrientationType` and `FlexboxAxisTracker::{GetMainAxis(),GetCrossAxis()}`, and use `FlexboxAxisTracker::{IsRowOriented(),IsColumnOriented}` instead. 
3. Search for `XXXdholbert [BEGIN DEPRECATED]`,  and delete those code.

Did I miss anything?

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