This is still an issue: Updated STR: 1) Load 2) Open debugger. 3) Select "862359113.js" in the left-hand pane. 4) Prettyprint. 5) Breakpoint in the first line of the function assigned to r['webgl'] (line 4496in the prettyprinted bit as of today). 6) Reload. The breakpoint is not hit. Honza
Bug 1172931 Comment 20 Edit History
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Updated STR: 1) Load 2) Open debugger. 3) Select "862359113.js" in the left-hand pane. 4) Prettyprint. 5) Breakpoint in the first line of the function assigned to r['webgl'] (line 4496 in the prettyprinted bit as of today). 6) Reload. 7) The breakpoint *is* hit for me. The issue is that the source file is not auto-scrolled to the 4496 line @bz: can you try the steps? Does it work for you? Thanks! Honza
Updated STR: 1) Load 2) Open debugger. 3) Select "862359113.js" in the left-hand pane. 4) Prettyprint. 5) Breakpoint in the first line of the function assigned to r['webgl'] (line 4496 in the prettyprinted bit as of today). 6) Reload. 7) The breakpoint *is* hit for me. // <- Was not previously working The issue is that the source file is not auto-scrolled to the 4496 line @bz: can you try the steps? Does it work for you? Thanks! Honza
Updated STR: 1) Load 2) Open debugger. 3) Select "862359113.js" in the left-hand pane. 4) Prettyprint. 5) Breakpoint in the first line of the function assigned to r['webgl'] (line 4496 in the prettyprinted bit as of today). 6) Reload. 7) The breakpoint *is* hit for me. // <- Was not previously working The only issue I can see is that the source file is not auto-scrolled to the 4496 line @bz: can you try the steps? Does it work for you? Thanks! Honza