That said, it would be too confusing. So I revert my local change to put the format string changes at the end of the series of patches, I modified the patch to be at the top again. (part-00 moniker.) That necessitates the minor change to brand-new-1243121-ldap-parts-5.5-and-5.75-and-6-combined.patch (benc+) because the format strings are changed first now. So let me upload the modified two patches. Now my local queue looks like this. (I am going to upload the patches marked with *.) ``` * 8 A brand-new-1243121-ldap-part-00-format-string-and-type.patch: Bug 1243121 part-99: format string and snprintf buffer size issue 9 A brand-new-1243121-ldap-part-1-simple.patch: Bug 1243121 part-1: eliminating signed vs unsigned warnings (now treated erro), first... 10 A brand-new-1243121-ldap-part-2-address-minusone-comparison.patch: Bug 1243121 part-2: comparison of minus one vs pointer 11 A brand-new-1243121-ldap-part-4-different-sign-extension-in-a-macro-local_-OK.patch: Bug 1243121 part-4 patch to fix different sign... * 12 A brand-new-1243121-ldap-parts-5.5-and-5.75-and-6-combined.patch: Bug 1243121 - Fix ldap signed/unsigned compiler warnings. r=benc 13 A brand-new-1243121-ldap-part-6.5-memcache.patch: Bug 1243121 part-6.5: handled 64-bit uncleanness 14 A brand-new-1243121-ldap-part-8-os-ip.patch: Bug 1243121 part-8 patch to fix to eliminate warning for getsockopt(). 15 A brand-new-1243121-ldap-part-10-tmplout.patch: Bug 1243121 part-10 patch annotate unused variable assignment for future review 16 A brand-new-1243121-ldap-part-20-memcache.patch: Bug 1243121 part-20 patch for memcache 17 A brand-new-1243121-ldap-part-30-decode.c.patch: Bug 1243121 part-30: decode.c to accommodte the new better type defintion 18 A brand-new-1243121-ldap-part-30.5-decode.c.fix.patch: Bug 1243121 part-30.5 patch to fix a couple additional bugs/warnings from pa... ``` I may thrown in a clang-format patch at the end as I mentioned before.
Bug 1243121 Comment 99 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
That said, it would be too confusing. So I revert my local change to put the format string changes at the end of the series of patches. I have modified the patch to be at the top again. (part-00 moniker.) That necessitates the minor change to brand-new-1243121-ldap-parts-5.5-and-5.75-and-6-combined.patch (benc+) because the format strings are changed first now. So let me upload the modified two patches. Now my local queue looks like this. (I am going to upload the patches marked with *.) ``` * 8 A brand-new-1243121-ldap-part-00-format-string-and-type.patch: Bug 1243121 part-99: format string and snprintf buffer size issue 9 A brand-new-1243121-ldap-part-1-simple.patch: Bug 1243121 part-1: eliminating signed vs unsigned warnings (now treated erro), first... 10 A brand-new-1243121-ldap-part-2-address-minusone-comparison.patch: Bug 1243121 part-2: comparison of minus one vs pointer 11 A brand-new-1243121-ldap-part-4-different-sign-extension-in-a-macro-local_-OK.patch: Bug 1243121 part-4 patch to fix different sign... * 12 A brand-new-1243121-ldap-parts-5.5-and-5.75-and-6-combined.patch: Bug 1243121 - Fix ldap signed/unsigned compiler warnings. r=benc 13 A brand-new-1243121-ldap-part-6.5-memcache.patch: Bug 1243121 part-6.5: handled 64-bit uncleanness 14 A brand-new-1243121-ldap-part-8-os-ip.patch: Bug 1243121 part-8 patch to fix to eliminate warning for getsockopt(). 15 A brand-new-1243121-ldap-part-10-tmplout.patch: Bug 1243121 part-10 patch annotate unused variable assignment for future review 16 A brand-new-1243121-ldap-part-20-memcache.patch: Bug 1243121 part-20 patch for memcache 17 A brand-new-1243121-ldap-part-30-decode.c.patch: Bug 1243121 part-30: decode.c to accommodte the new better type defintion 18 A brand-new-1243121-ldap-part-30.5-decode.c.fix.patch: Bug 1243121 part-30.5 patch to fix a couple additional bugs/warnings from pa... ``` I may throw in a clang-format patch at the end as I mentioned before.