Bug 1308251 Comment 54 Edit History

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(In reply to Andrew Swan [:aswan] from comment #52)
> > Better to get that in than have to ship a Normandy update later (which, due to this bug, won't reach the affected people!).
> Is that true?  Normandy has its own installation and update paths that don't overlap with the "regular" install/update paths.

I was definitely wrong about the installation path. I thought Normandy-installed addons used the normal addon update mechanism, but of course if we did a pref flip the problem would be resolved anyway
(In reply to Andrew Swan [:aswan] from comment #52)
> > Better to get that in than have to ship a Normandy update later (which, due to this bug, won't reach the affected people!).
> Is that true?  Normandy has its own installation and update paths that don't overlap with the "regular" install/update paths.

I was definitely wrong about the installation path. I thought Normandy-installed addons used the normal addon update mechanism, but of course if we did a pref flip the problem would be resolved anyway  (I was thinking of Test-Pilot, which did have its installs fail but that is because it was a web page using `InstallTrigger` and very different from Normandy).

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