It's interesting that a number of crash stacks with failed symbolication have headers that *are* symbolicated (whether correctly or not I don't know): bp-682384d3-70fc-4960-9005-3e12b0191116 bp-8052c734-4bf5-473b-9d6c-2a08f0191116 bp-148599d4-d7ef-420d-bf64-270910191116
Bug 1371390 Comment 22 Edit History
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It's interesting that a number of crash stacks with failed symbolication have headers (i.e. signatures) that *are* symbolicated (whether correctly or not I don't know): bp-682384d3-70fc-4960-9005-3e12b0191116 bp-8052c734-4bf5-473b-9d6c-2a08f0191116 bp-148599d4-d7ef-420d-bf64-270910191116