Bug 1398414 Comment 31 Edit History

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For the record, there was a csswg resolution today in https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/11151#issuecomment-2607888849 that was related to this -- the resolution requires browsers to mitigate :visited privacy leakage in some way (which we already do by removing all ways we've found that web developers could use to observe the visitedness of a link).

As part of that resolution, the spec is going to gain an appendix that'll discuss Chromium's approach (which is along the lines of what's proposed in our bug here, I think) as one possible mitigation.
For the record, there was a csswg resolution today in https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/11151#issuecomment-2607888849 that was related to this -- the resolution requires browsers to mitigate :visited privacy leakage in some way (which we already do by removing all ways we've found that web developers could use to observe the visitedness of a link).

As part of that resolution, the spec is going to gain an appendix that'll discuss Chromium's experimental approach (which is along the lines of what's proposed in our bug here, I think) as one possible mitigation.

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