Bug 1402822 Comment 41 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

When I wrote "can type", I meant of course with the spelllchecker working in that language, assuming I have the dictionary installed, without the spellchecker trying to tell me that *all*my _words_ are _wrong_ and _everything_ has a _red_ _underline_, which is _quite_ _annoying_. (Underline for illustration of the effect.)
When I wrote "can type", I meant of course with the spelllchecker working in that language, assuming I have the dictionary installed, without the spellchecker trying to tell me that *all* my _words_ are _wrong_ and _everything_ has a _red_ _underline_, which is _quite_ _annoying_. (Underline for illustration of the effect.)
When I wrote "can type", I meant of course with the spelllchecker working in that language, assuming I have the dictionary installed, without the spellchecker trying to tell me that *all* my __words__ are _wrong_ and _everything_ has a _red_ _underline_, which is _quite_ _annoying_. (Underline for illustration of the effect.)
When I wrote "can type", I meant of course with the spelllchecker working in that language, assuming I have the dictionary installed, without the spellchecker trying to tell me that *all* my _words_ are _wrong_ and _everything_ has a _red_ _underline_, which is _quite_ _annoying_. (Underline for illustration of the effect.)
When I wrote "can type", I meant of course with the spelllchecker working in that language, assuming I have the dictionary installed, without the spellchecker trying to tell me that **all** my _words_ are _wrong_ and _everything_ has a _red_ _underline_, which is _quite_ _annoying_. (Underline for illustration of the effect.)
When I wrote "can type", I meant of course with the spellchecker working in the language, assuming I have the right dictionary installed, without the spellchecker trying to tell me that **all** my _words_ are _wrong_ and _everything_ has a _red_ _underline_, which is _quite_ _annoying_. (Underline for illustration of the effect.)

It would be quite a pity to do all this work in this bug, and then I the spellcheckers assumes English, just because Gmail or Yahoo Mail or RoundCube is in English. I write emails in 3 languages, so this logic would disable the fix here and keep the spellchecker broken for all languages but one.
When I wrote "can type", I meant of course with the spellchecker working in the language, assuming I have the right dictionary installed, without the spellchecker trying to tell me that **all** my _words_ are _wrong_ and _everything_ has a _red_ _underline_, which is _quite_ _annoying_. (Underline for illustration of the effect.)

It would be quite a pity to do all this work in this bug, and then the spellcheckers still assumes English, just because Gmail or Yahoo Mail or RoundCube is in English. I write emails in 3 languages, so this logic as stated in comment 38 would render the fix here moot in such situations and keep the spellchecker broken for all languages but one.
When I wrote "can type", I meant of course with the spellchecker working in the language, assuming I have the right dictionary installed, without the spellchecker trying to tell me that **all** my _words_ are _wrong_ and _everything_ has a _red_ _underline_, which is _quite_ _annoying_. (Underline for illustration of the effect.)

It would be quite a pity to do all this work in this bug, and then the spellcheckers still assumes English, just because Gmail or Yahoo Mail or RoundCube or whatever web app is in English. I write emails (and text in webapps) in 3 languages, so this logic as stated in comment 38 would render the fix here moot in such situations and keep the spellchecker broken for all languages but one.
When I wrote "can type", I meant of course with the spellchecker working in the language, assuming I have the right dictionary installed, without the spellchecker trying to tell me that **all** my _words_ are _wrong_ and _everything_ has a _red_ _underline_, which is _quite_ _annoying_. (Underline for illustration of the effect.)

It would be quite a pity to do all this work in this bug, and then the spellcheckers still assumes English, just because Gmail or Yahoo Mail or RoundCube or whatever web app is in English. How would RoundCube know which language I am writining the email in? I write emails (and text in webapps) in 3 languages, so this logic as stated in comment 38 would render the fix here moot in such situations and keep the spellchecker broken for all languages but one.
When I wrote "can type", I meant of course with the spellchecker working in the language, assuming I have the right dictionary installed, without the spellchecker trying to tell me that **all** my _words_ are _wrong_ and _everything_ has a _red_ _underline_, which is _quite_ _annoying_. (Underline for illustration of the effect.)

It would be quite a pity to do all this work in this bug, and then the spellchecker still assumes English, just because Gmail or Yahoo Mail or RoundCube or whatever web app is in English. How would RoundCube know which language I am writining the email in? I write emails (and text in webapps) in 3 languages, so this logic as stated in comment 38 would render the fix here moot in such situations and keep the spellchecker broken for all languages but one.
When I wrote "can type", I meant of course with the spellchecker working in the language, assuming I have the right dictionary installed, without the spellchecker trying to tell me that **all** my _words_ are _wrong_ and _everything_ has a _red_ _underline_, which is _quite_ _annoying_. (Underline for illustration of the effect.)

It would be quite a pity to do all this work in this bug, and then the spellchecker still assumes English, just because Gmail or Yahoo Mail or RoundCube or whatever web app is in English. How would RoundCube know which language I am writining the email in? I write emails (and text in webapps) in multiple languages, so this logic as stated in comment 38 would render the fix here moot in such situations and keep the spellchecker broken for all languages but one.
When I wrote "can type", I meant of course with the spellchecker working in the language, assuming I have the right dictionary installed, without the spellchecker trying to tell me that **all** my _words_ are _wrong_ and _everything_ has a _red_ _underline_, which is _quite_ _annoying_. (Underline for illustration of the effect.)

It would be quite a pity to do all this work in this bug, and then the spellchecker still assumes English, just because Gmail or Yahoo Mail or RoundCube or whatever web app is in English. How would RoundCube know which language I am writing the email in? I write emails (and text in webapps) in multiple languages, so this logic as stated in comment 38 would render the fix here moot in such situations and keep the spellchecker broken for all languages but one.

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