Bug 1459203 Comment 6 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

>diff --git a/plat_windows.go b/plat_windows.go
>index 3544f822..daf5e6a8 100644
>--- a/plat_windows.go
>+++ b/plat_windows.go
>@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ import (
> 	"github.com/taskcluster/runlib/win32"
> 	"golang.org/x/sys/windows"
> 	"golang.org/x/sys/windows/registry"
>+	"golang.org/x/sys/windows/svc/eventlog"
>+	"golang.org/x/sys/windows/svc/mgr"
> )
> type TaskContext struct {
>@@ -371,46 +373,21 @@ func taskCleanup() error {
> }
> func install(arguments map[string]interface{}) (err error) {
>-	exePath, err := ExePath()
>+	exePath, err := os.Executable()
> 	if err != nil {
> 		return err
> 	}
> 	configFile := convertNilToEmptyString(arguments["--config"])
> 	switch {
> 	case arguments["service"]:
>-		nssm := convertNilToEmptyString(arguments["--nssm"])
> 		serviceName := convertNilToEmptyString(arguments["--service-name"])
> 		dir := filepath.Dir(exePath)
>-		return deployService(configFile, nssm, serviceName, exePath, dir)
>+		return deployService(configFile, serviceName, exePath, dir)
> 	}
> 	log.Fatal("Unknown install target - only 'service' is allowed")
> 	return nil
> }
>-func CreateRunGenericWorkerBatScript(batScriptFilePath string) error {
>-	batScriptContents := []byte(strings.Join([]string{
>-		`:: Run generic-worker`,
>-		``,
>-		`:: step inside folder containing this script`,
>-		`pushd %~dp0`,
>-		``,
>-		`.\generic-worker.exe run --configure-for-aws > .\generic-worker.log 2>&1`,
>-		``,
>-		`:: Possible exit codes:`,
>-		`::    0: all tasks completed   - only occurs when numberOfTasksToRun > 0`,
>-		`::   67: rebooting             - system reboot has been triggered`,
>-		`::   68: idle timeout          - system shutdown has been triggered if shutdownMachineOnIdle=true`,
>-		`::   69: internal error        - system shutdown has been triggered if shutdownMachineOnInternalError=true`,
>-		`::   70: deployment ID changed - system shutdown has been triggered`,
>-		``,
>-	}, "\r\n"))
>-	err := ioutil.WriteFile(batScriptFilePath, batScriptContents, 0755)
>-	if err != nil {
>-		return fmt.Errorf("Was not able to create file %q with access permissions 0755 due to %s", batScriptFilePath, err)
>-	}
>-	return nil
> func SetAutoLogin(user *runtime.OSUser) error {
> 	k, _, err := registry.CreateKey(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, `SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon`, registry.WRITE)
> 	if err != nil {
>@@ -432,75 +409,41 @@ func SetAutoLogin(user *runtime.OSUser) error {
> 	return nil
> }
>-// deploys the generic worker as a windows service, running under the windows
>-// user specified with username/password, such that the generic worker runs
>-// with the given configuration file configFile. the http://nssm.cc/ executable
>-// is required to install the service, specified as a file system path. The
>-// serviceName is the service name given to the newly created service. if the
>-// service already exists, it is simply updated.
>-func deployService(configFile, nssm, serviceName, exePath, dir string) error {
>-	targetScript := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(exePath), "run-generic-worker.bat")
>-	err := CreateRunGenericWorkerBatScript(targetScript)
>+// deployService deploys the generic worker as a windows service such that the
>+// generic-worker runs with configuration file configFile. The name is the
>+// service name given to the newly created service. If the service already
>+// exists, an error is returned.
>+func deployService(configFile, name, exePath, dir string) error {
>+	m, err := mgr.Connect()
> 	if err != nil {
> 		return err
> 	}
>-	return runtime.RunCommands(
>-		false,
>-		[]string{nssm, "install", serviceName, targetScript},
>-		[]string{nssm, "set", serviceName, "AppDirectory", dir},
>-		[]string{nssm, "set", serviceName, "DisplayName", serviceName},
>-		[]string{nssm, "set", serviceName, "Description", "A taskcluster worker that runs on all mainstream platforms"},
>-		[]string{nssm, "set", serviceName, "Start", "SERVICE_AUTO_START"},
>-		// By default, NSSM installs as LocalSystem, which we need since we call WTSQueryUserToken.
>-		// So let's not set it.
>-		// []string{nssm, "set", serviceName, "ObjectName", ".\\" + user.Name, user.Password},
>-		[]string{nssm, "set", serviceName, "Type", "SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS"},
>-		[]string{nssm, "set", serviceName, "AppPriority", "NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS"},
>-		[]string{nssm, "set", serviceName, "AppNoConsole", "1"},
>-		[]string{nssm, "set", serviceName, "AppAffinity", "All"},
>-		[]string{nssm, "set", serviceName, "AppStopMethodSkip", "0"},
>-		[]string{nssm, "set", serviceName, "AppStopMethodConsole", "1500"},
>-		[]string{nssm, "set", serviceName, "AppStopMethodWindow", "1500"},
>-		[]string{nssm, "set", serviceName, "AppStopMethodThreads", "1500"},
>-		[]string{nssm, "set", serviceName, "AppThrottle", "1500"},
>-		[]string{nssm, "set", serviceName, "AppExit", "Default", "Exit"},
>-		[]string{nssm, "set", serviceName, "AppRestartDelay", "0"},
>-		[]string{nssm, "set", serviceName, "AppStdout", filepath.Join(dir, "generic-worker-service.log")},
>-		[]string{nssm, "set", serviceName, "AppStderr", filepath.Join(dir, "generic-worker-service.log")},
>-		[]string{nssm, "set", serviceName, "AppStdoutCreationDisposition", "4"},
>-		[]string{nssm, "set", serviceName, "AppStderrCreationDisposition", "4"},
>-		[]string{nssm, "set", serviceName, "AppRotateFiles", "1"},
>-		[]string{nssm, "set", serviceName, "AppRotateOnline", "1"},
>-		[]string{nssm, "set", serviceName, "AppRotateSeconds", "3600"},
>-		[]string{nssm, "set", serviceName, "AppRotateBytes", "0"},
>+	defer m.Disconnect()
>+	s, err := m.OpenService(name)
>+	if err == nil {
>+		s.Close()
>+		return fmt.Errorf("service %s already exists", name)
>+	}
>+	s, err = m.CreateService(
>+		name,
>+		exePath,
>+		mgr.Config{
>+			DisplayName: "Generic Worker",
>+			Description: "Taskcluster generic-worker - see https://github.com/taskcluster/generic-worker/",
>+			StartType:   mgr.StartAutomatic,
>+		},
>+		"run", "--configure-for-aws",
> 	)
>-func ExePath() (string, error) {
>-	log.Printf("Command args: %#v", os.Args)
>-	prog := os.Args[0]
>-	p, err := filepath.Abs(prog)
> 	if err != nil {
>-		return "", err
>+		return err
> 	}
>-	fi, err := os.Stat(p)
>-	if err == nil {
>-		if !fi.Mode().IsDir() {
>-			return p, nil
>-		}
>-		err = fmt.Errorf("%s is directory", p)
>-	}
>-	if filepath.Ext(p) == "" {
>-		p += ".exe"
>-		fi, err = os.Stat(p)
>-		if err == nil {
>-			if !fi.Mode().IsDir() {
>-				return p, nil
>-			}
>-			err = fmt.Errorf("%s is directory", p)
>-		}
>+	defer s.Close()
>+	err = eventlog.InstallAsEventCreate(name, eventlog.Error|eventlog.Warning|eventlog.Info)
>+	if err != nil {
>+		s.Delete()
>+		return fmt.Errorf("SetupEventLogSource() failed: %s", err)
> 	}
>-	return "", err
>+	return nil
> }
> func (task *TaskRun) formatCommand(index int) string {

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