Ok, if you apply these patches (and/or review them; I think they're ready :), then the mochitest `dom/promise/tests/test_webassembly_compile.html` has two tests, `compileCachedBothClonesHitCache` and `compileCachedCacheThroughClone`, that hit this case and crash/fail (you can isolate them by commenting out everything else in the final `tests` array at the end of the file).
Bug 1487113 Comment 69 Edit History
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Ok, thanks! If you apply these patches (and/or review them; I think they're ready :), then the mochitest `dom/promise/tests/test_webassembly_compile.html` has two tests, `compileCachedBothClonesHitCache` and `compileCachedCacheThroughClone`, that hit this case and crash/fail (you can isolate them by commenting out everything else in the final `tests` array at the end of the file).
Ok, thanks! If you apply these patches (and/or review them; I think they're ready :), which are based on your two unlanded patches, then the mochitest `dom/promise/tests/test_webassembly_compile.html` has two tests, `compileCachedBothClonesHitCache` and `compileCachedCacheThroughClone`, that hit this case and crash/fail (you can isolate them by commenting out everything else in the final `tests` array at the end of the file).