I started having this issue yesterday (8 Dec 2018) on Windows Insider Build 18290.1000 x64 using Nightly 65.0a1. It happened before uninstalling Norton Security and installing Bitdefender Total Security 2019. However, it was the first time I had updated Nightly since installing the Insider Build. My symptoms are the same, except for the following: 1. Right-clicking the icon brings up only an option to "Unpin from taskbar" 2. The tooltip on the icon (if I hover over it) is "Nightly (2)" 3. After opening Nightly from Start (the tile has the proper icon and works), it appears in a separate icon on the taskbar as "Nightly (3)" -- I did not remove the incorrect icon before opening Nightly Further testing and results/symptoms: 4. I pinned Nightly (3) and dragged it to the first position on the taskbar while one, multi-tab window was open. Then, I unpinned it while still open. After this, right-clicking the icon brings up two options: "Pin to taskbar" and "Close window" 5. I tested "Pin to taskbar" and even after clicking it, the context menu still shows the same "Pin to taskbar" rather than "Unpin from taskbar" 6. Opening new windows via Nightly or Start are grouped with the icon that used to be Nightly (3) 7. Right-clicking the Nightly tile in Start and clicking More > "Pin to taskbar" causes the icon to become "Nightly (3)" again and have a full context menu
Bug 1495295 Comment 12 Edit History
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I started having this issue yesterday (8 Dec 2018) on Windows Insider Build 18290.1000 x64 using Nightly 65.0a1. It happened before uninstalling Norton Security and installing Bitdefender Total Security 2019. However, it was the first time I had updated Nightly since installing the Insider Build. My symptoms are the same, except for the following: 1. Right-clicking the icon brings up only an option to "Unpin from taskbar" 2. The tooltip on the icon (if I hover over it) is "Nightly (2)" 3. After opening Nightly from Start (the tile has the proper icon and works), it appears in a separate icon on the taskbar as "Nightly (3)" -- I did not remove the incorrect icon before opening Nightly Further testing and results/symptoms: 4. I pinned Nightly (3) and dragged it to the first position on the taskbar while one, multi-tab window was open. Then, I unpinned it while still open. After this, right-clicking the icon brings up two options: "Pin to taskbar" and "Close window" 5. I tested "Pin to taskbar" and even after clicking it, the context menu still shows the same "Pin to taskbar" rather than "Unpin from taskbar" 6. I also tested "Close window" and it works as one would expect 7. Opening new windows via Nightly or Start are grouped with the icon that used to be Nightly (3) 8. Right-clicking the Nightly tile in Start and clicking More > "Pin to taskbar" causes the icon to become "Nightly (3)" again and have a full context menu 9. Unpinning Nightly (3), then opening Nightly again causes the icon to be "Nightly (2)" with the proper logo 10. Pinning Nightly (2) makes it into Nightly (3) which behaves as it did earlier.