Bug 1499123 Comment 15 Edit History

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I am afraid I have no idea why this test fails intermittently because the test is for lazy loading _iframe_.

As I said in bug 1620710 comment 1, if a test for lazy loading iframe is flaky, it means the test itself has issues because we haven't yet implemented lazy loading iframe.

(I wanted to add his address in CC but it doesn't allow me for some reasons).
I am afraid I have no idea why this test fails intermittently because the test is for lazy loading _iframe_.

As I said in bug 1620710 comment 1, if a test for lazy loading iframe is flaky, it means the test itself has issues because we haven't yet implemented lazy loading iframe.

(I wanted to add Ehsan Karamad who is the original author of the test in CC but it doesn't allow me for some reasons).

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