I added some logging to [2]. Here are all of the non-function properties of `document`: ``` [JavaScript Warning: "onmozfullscreenchange is deprecated." {file: "testing/web-platform/tests/tools/wptrunner/wptrunner/executors/executormarionette.py" line: 84}] [JavaScript Warning: "onmozfullscreenerror is deprecated." {file: "testing/web-platform/tests/tools/wptrunner/wptrunner/executors/executormarionette.py" line: 84}] activeElement - [object HTMLBodyElement] alinkColor - all - [object HTMLAllCollection] anchors - [object HTMLCollection] applets - [object HTMLCollection] ATTRIBUTE_NODE - 2 baseURI - about:blank bgColor - body - [object HTMLBodyElement] CDATA_SECTION_NODE - 4 characterSet - UTF-8 charset - UTF-8 childElementCount - 1 childNodes - [object NodeList] children - [object HTMLCollection] COMMENT_NODE - 8 compatMode - BackCompat contentType - text/html cookie - currentScript - null defaultView - [object Window] designMode - off dir - doctype - null DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE - 11 DOCUMENT_NODE - 9 DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY - 16 DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS - 8 DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED - 1 DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING - 4 DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC - 32 DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING - 2 DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE - 10 documentElement - [object HTMLHtmlElement] documentURI - about:blank domain - ELEMENT_NODE - 1 embeds - [object HTMLCollection] ENTITY_NODE - 6 ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE - 5 fgColor - firstChild - [object HTMLHtmlElement] firstElementChild - [object HTMLHtmlElement] fonts - [object FontFaceSet] forms - [object HTMLCollection] fullscreen - false fullscreenElement - null fullscreenEnabled - true head - [object HTMLHeadElement] hidden - false images - [object HTMLCollection] implementation - [object DOMImplementation] inputEncoding - UTF-8 isConnected - true lastChild - [object HTMLHtmlElement] lastElementChild - [object HTMLHtmlElement] lastModified - 03/14/2019 22:29:12 lastStyleSheetSet - null linkColor - links - [object HTMLCollection] location - about:blank mozFullScreen - false mozFullScreenElement - null mozFullScreenEnabled - true nextSibling - null nodeName - #document nodeType - 9 nodeValue - null NOTATION_NODE - 12 onabort - null onafterscriptexecute - null onanimationcancel - null onanimationend - null onanimationiteration - null onanimationstart - null onauxclick - null onbeforescriptexecute - null onblur - null oncanplay - null oncanplaythrough - null onchange - null onclick - null onclose - null oncontextmenu - null oncopy - null oncut - null ondblclick - null ondrag - null ondragend - null ondragenter - null ondragexit - null ondragleave - null ondragover - null ondragstart - null ondrop - null ondurationchange - null onemptied - null onended - null onerror - null onfocus - null onfullscreenchange - null onfullscreenerror - null oninput - null oninvalid - null onkeydown - null onkeypress - null onkeyup - null onload - null onloadeddata - null onloadedmetadata - null onloadend - null onloadstart - null onmousedown - null onmouseenter - null onmouseleave - null onmousemove - null onmouseout - null onmouseover - null onmouseup - null onmozfullscreenchange - null onmozfullscreenerror - null onpaste - null onpause - null onplay - null onplaying - null onpointerlockchange - null onpointerlockerror - null onprogress - null onratechange - null onreadystatechange - null onreset - null onresize - null onscroll - null onseeked - null onseeking - null onselect - null onselectionchange - null onselectstart - null onshow - null onstalled - null onsubmit - null onsuspend - null ontimeupdate - null ontoggle - null ontouchcancel - null ontouchend - null ontouchmove - null ontouchstart - null ontransitioncancel - null ontransitionend - null ontransitionrun - null ontransitionstart - null onvisibilitychange - null onvolumechange - null onwaiting - null onwebkitanimationend - null onwebkitanimationiteration - null onwebkitanimationstart - null onwebkittransitionend - null onwheel - null ownerDocument - null parentElement - null parentNode - null plugins - [object HTMLCollection] pointerLockElement - null policy - [object Policy] preferredStyleSheetSet - previousSibling - null PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE - 7 readyState - complete referrer - rootElement - null scripts - [object HTMLCollection] scrollingElement - [object HTMLBodyElement] selectedStyleSheetSet - styleSheets - [object StyleSheetList] styleSheetSets - [object DOMStringList] TEXT_NODE - 3 textContent - null timeline - [object DocumentTimeline] title - URL - about:blank visibilityState - visible vlinkColor - ``` Of note, URL is about:blank, readyState is complete. document.body and document.head are empty, which isn't surprising since it's on about:blank. And here's window: ``` closed - false crypto - [object Crypto] customElements - [object CustomElementRegistry] devicePixelRatio - 1 event - undefined external - [object External] frameElement - null frames - [object Window] fullScreen - false history - [object History] innerHeight - 1392 innerWidth - 980 InstallTrigger - [object InstallTriggerImpl] isSecureContext - false length - 0 localStorage - null locationbar - [object BarProp] menubar - [object BarProp] mozInnerScreenX - 0 mozInnerScreenY - 0 mozPaintCount - 1 name - navigator - [object Navigator] onabort - null onabsolutedeviceorientation - null onafterprint - null onanimationcancel - null onanimationend - null onanimationiteration - null onanimationstart - null onauxclick - null onbeforeprint - null onbeforeunload - null onblur - null oncanplay - null oncanplaythrough - null onchange - null onclick - null onclose - null oncontextmenu - null ondblclick - null ondevicelight - null ondevicemotion - null ondeviceorientation - null ondeviceproximity - null ondrag - null ondragend - null ondragenter - null ondragexit - null ondragleave - null ondragover - null ondragstart - null ondrop - null ondurationchange - null onemptied - null onended - null onerror - null onfocus - null onhashchange - null oninput - null oninvalid - null onkeydown - null onkeypress - null onkeyup - null onlanguagechange - null onload - null onloadeddata - null onloadedmetadata - null onloadend - null onloadstart - null onmessage - null onmessageerror - null onmousedown - null onmouseenter - null onmouseleave - null onmousemove - null onmouseout - null onmouseover - null onmouseup - null onmozfullscreenchange - null onmozfullscreenerror - null onoffline - null ononline - null onorientationchange - null onpagehide - null onpageshow - null onpause - null onplay - null onplaying - null onpopstate - null onprogress - null onratechange - null onreset - null onresize - null onscroll - null onseeked - null onseeking - null onselect - null onselectstart - null onshow - null onstalled - null onstorage - null onsubmit - null onsuspend - null ontimeupdate - null ontoggle - null ontouchcancel - null ontouchend - null ontouchmove - null ontouchstart - null ontransitioncancel - null ontransitionend - null ontransitionrun - null ontransitionstart - null onuserproximity - null onvolumechange - null onvrdisplayactivate - null onvrdisplayconnect - null onvrdisplaydeactivate - null onvrdisplaydisconnect - null onvrdisplaypresentchange - null onwaiting - null onwebkitanimationend - null onwebkitanimationiteration - null onwebkitanimationstart - null onwebkittransitionend - null onwheel - null opener - null orientation - 0 origin - null outerHeight - 1136 outerWidth - 800 pageXOffset - 0 pageYOffset - 0 parent - [object Window] performance - [object Performance] personalbar - [object BarProp] screen - [object Screen] screenLeft - 0 screenTop - 0 screenX - 0 screenY - 0 scrollbars - [object BarProp] scrollMaxX - 0 scrollMaxY - 0 scrollX - 0 scrollY - 0 self - [object Window] sidebar - [object External] speechSynthesis - [object SpeechSynthesis] status - statusbar - [object BarProp] toolbar - [object BarProp] visualViewport - [object VisualViewport] ```
Bug 1501562 Comment 49 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
I added some logging to [2]. Here are all of the non-function properties and their values of `document`: ``` [JavaScript Warning: "onmozfullscreenchange is deprecated." {file: "testing/web-platform/tests/tools/wptrunner/wptrunner/executors/executormarionette.py" line: 84}] [JavaScript Warning: "onmozfullscreenerror is deprecated." {file: "testing/web-platform/tests/tools/wptrunner/wptrunner/executors/executormarionette.py" line: 84}] activeElement - [object HTMLBodyElement] alinkColor - all - [object HTMLAllCollection] anchors - [object HTMLCollection] applets - [object HTMLCollection] ATTRIBUTE_NODE - 2 baseURI - about:blank bgColor - body - [object HTMLBodyElement] CDATA_SECTION_NODE - 4 characterSet - UTF-8 charset - UTF-8 childElementCount - 1 childNodes - [object NodeList] children - [object HTMLCollection] COMMENT_NODE - 8 compatMode - BackCompat contentType - text/html cookie - currentScript - null defaultView - [object Window] designMode - off dir - doctype - null DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE - 11 DOCUMENT_NODE - 9 DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY - 16 DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS - 8 DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED - 1 DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING - 4 DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC - 32 DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING - 2 DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE - 10 documentElement - [object HTMLHtmlElement] documentURI - about:blank domain - ELEMENT_NODE - 1 embeds - [object HTMLCollection] ENTITY_NODE - 6 ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE - 5 fgColor - firstChild - [object HTMLHtmlElement] firstElementChild - [object HTMLHtmlElement] fonts - [object FontFaceSet] forms - [object HTMLCollection] fullscreen - false fullscreenElement - null fullscreenEnabled - true head - [object HTMLHeadElement] hidden - false images - [object HTMLCollection] implementation - [object DOMImplementation] inputEncoding - UTF-8 isConnected - true lastChild - [object HTMLHtmlElement] lastElementChild - [object HTMLHtmlElement] lastModified - 03/14/2019 22:29:12 lastStyleSheetSet - null linkColor - links - [object HTMLCollection] location - about:blank mozFullScreen - false mozFullScreenElement - null mozFullScreenEnabled - true nextSibling - null nodeName - #document nodeType - 9 nodeValue - null NOTATION_NODE - 12 onabort - null onafterscriptexecute - null onanimationcancel - null onanimationend - null onanimationiteration - null onanimationstart - null onauxclick - null onbeforescriptexecute - null onblur - null oncanplay - null oncanplaythrough - null onchange - null onclick - null onclose - null oncontextmenu - null oncopy - null oncut - null ondblclick - null ondrag - null ondragend - null ondragenter - null ondragexit - null ondragleave - null ondragover - null ondragstart - null ondrop - null ondurationchange - null onemptied - null onended - null onerror - null onfocus - null onfullscreenchange - null onfullscreenerror - null oninput - null oninvalid - null onkeydown - null onkeypress - null onkeyup - null onload - null onloadeddata - null onloadedmetadata - null onloadend - null onloadstart - null onmousedown - null onmouseenter - null onmouseleave - null onmousemove - null onmouseout - null onmouseover - null onmouseup - null onmozfullscreenchange - null onmozfullscreenerror - null onpaste - null onpause - null onplay - null onplaying - null onpointerlockchange - null onpointerlockerror - null onprogress - null onratechange - null onreadystatechange - null onreset - null onresize - null onscroll - null onseeked - null onseeking - null onselect - null onselectionchange - null onselectstart - null onshow - null onstalled - null onsubmit - null onsuspend - null ontimeupdate - null ontoggle - null ontouchcancel - null ontouchend - null ontouchmove - null ontouchstart - null ontransitioncancel - null ontransitionend - null ontransitionrun - null ontransitionstart - null onvisibilitychange - null onvolumechange - null onwaiting - null onwebkitanimationend - null onwebkitanimationiteration - null onwebkitanimationstart - null onwebkittransitionend - null onwheel - null ownerDocument - null parentElement - null parentNode - null plugins - [object HTMLCollection] pointerLockElement - null policy - [object Policy] preferredStyleSheetSet - previousSibling - null PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE - 7 readyState - complete referrer - rootElement - null scripts - [object HTMLCollection] scrollingElement - [object HTMLBodyElement] selectedStyleSheetSet - styleSheets - [object StyleSheetList] styleSheetSets - [object DOMStringList] TEXT_NODE - 3 textContent - null timeline - [object DocumentTimeline] title - URL - about:blank visibilityState - visible vlinkColor - ``` Of note, URL is about:blank, readyState is complete. document.body and document.head are empty, which isn't surprising since it's on about:blank. And here's window: ``` closed - false crypto - [object Crypto] customElements - [object CustomElementRegistry] devicePixelRatio - 1 event - undefined external - [object External] frameElement - null frames - [object Window] fullScreen - false history - [object History] innerHeight - 1392 innerWidth - 980 InstallTrigger - [object InstallTriggerImpl] isSecureContext - false length - 0 localStorage - null locationbar - [object BarProp] menubar - [object BarProp] mozInnerScreenX - 0 mozInnerScreenY - 0 mozPaintCount - 1 name - navigator - [object Navigator] onabort - null onabsolutedeviceorientation - null onafterprint - null onanimationcancel - null onanimationend - null onanimationiteration - null onanimationstart - null onauxclick - null onbeforeprint - null onbeforeunload - null onblur - null oncanplay - null oncanplaythrough - null onchange - null onclick - null onclose - null oncontextmenu - null ondblclick - null ondevicelight - null ondevicemotion - null ondeviceorientation - null ondeviceproximity - null ondrag - null ondragend - null ondragenter - null ondragexit - null ondragleave - null ondragover - null ondragstart - null ondrop - null ondurationchange - null onemptied - null onended - null onerror - null onfocus - null onhashchange - null oninput - null oninvalid - null onkeydown - null onkeypress - null onkeyup - null onlanguagechange - null onload - null onloadeddata - null onloadedmetadata - null onloadend - null onloadstart - null onmessage - null onmessageerror - null onmousedown - null onmouseenter - null onmouseleave - null onmousemove - null onmouseout - null onmouseover - null onmouseup - null onmozfullscreenchange - null onmozfullscreenerror - null onoffline - null ononline - null onorientationchange - null onpagehide - null onpageshow - null onpause - null onplay - null onplaying - null onpopstate - null onprogress - null onratechange - null onreset - null onresize - null onscroll - null onseeked - null onseeking - null onselect - null onselectstart - null onshow - null onstalled - null onstorage - null onsubmit - null onsuspend - null ontimeupdate - null ontoggle - null ontouchcancel - null ontouchend - null ontouchmove - null ontouchstart - null ontransitioncancel - null ontransitionend - null ontransitionrun - null ontransitionstart - null onuserproximity - null onvolumechange - null onvrdisplayactivate - null onvrdisplayconnect - null onvrdisplaydeactivate - null onvrdisplaydisconnect - null onvrdisplaypresentchange - null onwaiting - null onwebkitanimationend - null onwebkitanimationiteration - null onwebkitanimationstart - null onwebkittransitionend - null onwheel - null opener - null orientation - 0 origin - null outerHeight - 1136 outerWidth - 800 pageXOffset - 0 pageYOffset - 0 parent - [object Window] performance - [object Performance] personalbar - [object BarProp] screen - [object Screen] screenLeft - 0 screenTop - 0 screenX - 0 screenY - 0 scrollbars - [object BarProp] scrollMaxX - 0 scrollMaxY - 0 scrollX - 0 scrollY - 0 self - [object Window] sidebar - [object External] speechSynthesis - [object SpeechSynthesis] status - statusbar - [object BarProp] toolbar - [object BarProp] visualViewport - [object VisualViewport] ```