Bug 1519519 Comment 0 Edit History

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In https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1462233 env() was implemented, resulting in 0px.
margin-left: margin: max(2em, env(safe-area-inset-left));
This should result in 2em, but results in 0px in Gecko. This makes sites that use this feature have the wrong margin/padding in Gecko *on all platforms*.
margin-left: foo(bar, env(baz));
This should fail to parse (since foo(), bar, and baz are not supported), but also results in 0px in Gecko. This is bogus and may make it hard to introduce new things if content starts relying on bogus values meaning 0px in Gecko (e.g. using `CSS.supports('margin: foo(bar, env(baz))')` to detect Gecko).

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