There are still the following internittent failures. Both are for Find Tookbar. There are already intermittent failures(Bug 1339326 and Bug 1511944). I talked with :m_kato, he also thout the failures happens very frequent with WebRender just because of timing change. - toolkit/content/tests/chrome/test_bug331215.xul - toolkit/content/tests/chrome/test_bug304188.xul
Bug 1520705 Comment 4 Edit History
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There are still the following internittent failures. Both are for Find Tookbar. There are already intermittent failures(Bug 1339326 and Bug 1511944). I talked with :m_kato, he also thought the failures happens very frequent with WebRender just because of timing change. - toolkit/content/tests/chrome/test_bug331215.xul - toolkit/content/tests/chrome/test_bug304188.xul