(In reply to Joel Maher ( :jmaher ) (UTC-4) from comment #16) > :egao, can you run the tests that gbrown ran to ensure that you are have a working environment and scripts are setup correctly. Definitely. I have gone ahead and created a matrix using Google Sheets that aims to corroborate results that :gbrown is seeing. This way I can also check if the issues are due to my environment, setup, or the task ID chosen. (In reply to Geoff Brown [:gbrown] from comment #17) > There are a lot of skipped tests in widget/tests: > > https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/widget/tests/chrome.ini > > but there should be some that run. For instance, widget/tests/test_bug1151186.html runs and passes for me. Perhaps my difficulties are due to choosing a bad build. I ran `mochitest-chrome` with both your task ID and my selected task ID. Guess which one worked and which did not. The Google Sheet is [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ypxHoijIOJ_x6eZ1QknD51hSAo8Wz_waP-Gu-Zqz3To/edit?usp=sharing).
Bug 1520867 Comment 21 Edit History
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(In reply to Joel Maher ( :jmaher ) (UTC-4) from comment #16) > :egao, can you run the tests that gbrown ran to ensure that you are have a working environment and scripts are setup correctly. Definitely. I have gone ahead and created a matrix using Google Sheets that aims to corroborate results that :gbrown is seeing. This way I can also check if the issues are due to my environment, setup, or the task ID chosen. (In reply to Geoff Brown [:gbrown] from comment #17) > There are a lot of skipped tests in widget/tests: > > https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/widget/tests/chrome.ini > > but there should be some that run. For instance, widget/tests/test_bug1151186.html runs and passes for me. Perhaps my difficulties are due to choosing a bad build. I ran `mochitest-chrome` with both your task ID and my selected task ID. Guess which one worked and which did not. I apparently chose a `win64/pgo` build which might explain my failures. The Google Sheet is [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ypxHoijIOJ_x6eZ1QknD51hSAo8Wz_waP-Gu-Zqz3To/edit?usp=sharing).