Bug 1520867 Comment 36 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

Geoff, mind taking a look at adding (at least a subset of?) awsy-test to this convenience wrapper script?  For context, I've been running and working on awsy-tp6 (sy-tp6 in Treeherder), in support of bug 1567138.

A sample of a successful run, today, without invoking via your script, looks like:

`python.exe mozharness/scripts/awsy_script.py --cfg mozharness/configs/awsy/taskcluster_windows_config.py --test-packages-url https://q
ueue.taskcluster.net/v1/task/VcvAL16PQxChDJ9BK8g8qQ/runs/0/artifacts/public/build/target.test_packages.json --installer-url https://queu
e.taskcluster.net/v1/task/VcvAL16PQxChDJ9BK8g8qQ/runs/0/artifacts/public/build/target.zip --download-symbols ondemand --tp6`

I'm not well-versed on the various arguments one can pass, etc., but the relevant first entrypoint is https://wiki.mozilla.org/Project_Fission/Memory#AWSY_.28tp6.29.
Geoff, mind taking a look at adding (at least a subset of?) awsy-test to this convenience wrapper script?  For context, I've been running and working on awsy-tp6 (sy-tp6 in Treeherder), in support of bug 1567138.

A sample of a successful run, today, without invoking via your script, looks like (run from `c:/mozilla-build`):

`python.exe mozharness/scripts/awsy_script.py --cfg mozharness/configs/awsy/taskcluster_windows_config.py --test-packages-url https://q
ueue.taskcluster.net/v1/task/VcvAL16PQxChDJ9BK8g8qQ/runs/0/artifacts/public/build/target.test_packages.json --installer-url https://queu
e.taskcluster.net/v1/task/VcvAL16PQxChDJ9BK8g8qQ/runs/0/artifacts/public/build/target.zip --download-symbols ondemand --tp6`

I'm not well-versed on the various arguments one can pass, etc., but the relevant first entrypoint is https://wiki.mozilla.org/Project_Fission/Memory#AWSY_.28tp6.29.

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