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Bug 1521953 Comment 7 Edit History
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# Steps to reproduce 1. Create a simple API that returns value from the querystring 'name' field. 2. Configure API CORS to allow requests from 'http://Domain1.WebsiteHost1' and 'http://Domain2.WebsiteHost1'. 3. Configure API to include 'cache-control' response header. 4. Deploy API to 'http://ApiHost/api'. 5. Create a simple web page that submits an XHR request to the API, eg when a user clicks a button. 6. Deploy web page to 'http://Domain1.WebsiteHost1' and 'http://Domain2.WebsiteHost1'. 7. Open http://Domain1.WebsiteHost1 and http://Domain2.WebsiteHost1 in different browser tabs. 8. Trigger XHR request in 1st tab. 9. Trigger XHR request in 2nd tab. ## Expected result At step 8, in http://Domain1.WebsiteHost1 tab, XHR request completes successfully and JavaScript can access response from the API. At step 9, in http://Domain2.WebsiteHost1 tab, XHR request completes successfully and JavaScript can access response from the API. ## Actual result At step 8, in http://Domain1.WebsiteHost1 tab, XHR request completes successfully and JavaScript can access response from the API. At step 9, in http://Domain2.WebsiteHost1 tab, XHR request response is retrieved from cache. Console displays CORS error: ``` Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://ApiHost/api/HttpTrigger1?name=World (Reason: CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' does not match 'http://Domain1.WebsiteHost1') ``` ## Actual example ### Web pages * http://domain1.binarystore.com/ * http://domain2.binarystore.com/ Each domain contains only a home page. Home pages are identical. ### API end-point * https://mozcorscachetestfunc.azurewebsites.net/api/HttpTrigger1 End-point reads 'name' querystring field and responds with "Hello, {name}". For example, `GET https://mozcorscachetestfunc.azurewebsites.net/api/HttpTrigger1?name=World` will return `Hello, World`. HTTP response includes the `cache-control=public, max-age=600` header. Browser version: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:77.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/77.0