QA steps: 1) about:config set… `browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.telemetry` = `true` `` = `true` use dev-test-all (`browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.config` to `{"api_key_pref":"extensions.pocket.oAuthConsumerKey","enabled":true,"show_spocs":true,"layout_endpoint":"$apiKey&layout_variant=dev-test-all"}`) 2) open Browser Console and search for `activity_stream_impression_stats` 3) open a new tab and slowly scroll down until you see "Left column Middle column Right column" then scroll so the middle column shows (1) but not (2) 4) close the tab 5) check Browser Console and there should be 1 entry in the log like… ``` TELEMETRY PING: … "source":"LIST","tiles":[{"id":33865},{"id":33865}],… ``` 6) open new tab and scroll down this time to show in middle list (3) then close and check Browser Console for 2 entries: ``` TELEMETRY PING: … "source":"LIST","tiles":[{"id":33865},{"id":33865},{"id":33861},{"id":33861}… TELEMETRY PING: … "source":"CARDGRID","tiles":[{"id":33865}],… ```
Bug 1522832 Comment 8 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
QA steps: 1) about:config set… `browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.telemetry` = `true` `` = `true` use dev-test-all (`browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.config` to `{"api_key_pref":"extensions.pocket.oAuthConsumerKey","enabled":true,"show_spocs":true,"layout_endpoint":"$apiKey&layout_variant=dev-test-all"}`) 2) open Browser Console and search for `activity_stream_impression_stats` 3) open a new tab and slowly scroll down until you see "Left column Middle column Right column" then scroll so the middle column shows (1) but not (2) 4) close the tab 5) check Browser Console and there should be 1 entry in the log like… ``` TELEMETRY PING: … "source":"LIST","tiles":[{"id":33865},{"id":33865}],… ``` 6) open new tab and scroll down this time to show in middle list (3) then close and check Browser Console for 2 entries: ``` TELEMETRY PING: … "source":"LIST","tiles":[{"id":33865},{"id":33865},{"id":33861},{"id":33861}… TELEMETRY PING: … "source":"CARDGRID","tiles":[{"id":33865}],… ``` Might be good to copy/paste the entries from step 5 and 6 to report back