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Bug 1525624 Comment 6 Edit History
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Thanks Nicolas for investigating. I just did a new try push and now I also get a [failure on try](https://treeherder.mozilla.org/jobs?repo=try&resultStatus=testfailed%2Cbusted%2Cexception&revision=c9e814bb395bb80f34e4bbe8aadd8ee8adff4545&selectedTaskRun=DUHlfPdLT_m8gshnEh8a3A.0) with `browser_webconsole_csp_ignore_reflected_xss_message.js`. The failure is again related to unexpected duplicated messages that lead to grouping. I can also reproduce the failure on `browser_webconsole_navigate_to_parse_error.js` after a few tries locally. I think what happens is that sometimes we find the expected message before we get the second message and start a group. So this is timing dependent - Do we find the single message before the second message arrives and we have a group. > Maybe there's something wrong with the Service, but I can't remember anything similar Yeah. I don't really know either.