(In reply to Henri Sivonen (:hsivonen) from comment #10) > How can I trigger reftests for aarch64 on try? Pardon for late response as I was on PTO. These tests for windows10-aarch64 can now be run on try with `mach try fuzzy`, as it should be under `windows10-aarch64/opt-reftest-e10s`.
Bug 1536575 Comment 19 Edit History
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(In reply to Henri Sivonen (:hsivonen) from comment #10) > How can I trigger reftests for aarch64 on try? Pardon for late response as I was on PTO. These tests for windows10-aarch64 can now be run on try with `mach try fuzzy`, as it should be under `windows10-aarch64/opt-reftest-e10s`. This requires recent (<2 weeks) old mozilla-central.