Bug 1537666 Comment 10 Edit History

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So Martin agrees with the above overflow idea with the << menu :D. I removed the scroll example.

I think this is ready for development, but let me know if there are concerns.

Hover/active states for all the buttons/links in the breadcrumbs bar should match the new Copy all Changes button spec: https://mozilla.invisionapp.com/share/Z3F7OGCTK#/344940269_Feb_2019_M2 (This will be added to the DevTools design system later)
So Martin agrees with the above overflow idea with the << menu :D. I removed the scroll example.

I think this is ready for development. Gabe, let me know if there are concerns.

Hover/active states for all the buttons/links in the breadcrumbs bar should match the new Copy all Changes button spec: https://mozilla.invisionapp.com/share/Z3F7OGCTK#/344940269_Feb_2019_M2 (This will be added to the DevTools design system later)

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