Hi @honza, @nchevobbe, @davidwalsh I started the try run with `try: -b do -p linux64 -u devtools-tests,mochitest-dt -t none --artifact` but devtools node tests were not being run, so I added a new job on try itself. The added task is named: source-test-node-devtools-tests. This runs the jest tests as shown in the log: https://treeherder.mozilla.org/logviewer.html#/jobs?job_id=239330319&repo=try&lineNumber=69. The jest test for the reducer passes once but is run again and fails on second run due to a new path. I ran again with `try: -b do -p linux64 -u devtools-tests,source-test-node-devtools-tests -t none --artifact`, but still I have to add the node tests using "Add new job" and the behavior of jest running twice is present.
Bug 1539530 Comment 6 Edit History
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Hi @honza, @nchevobbe, @davidwalsh I started the try run with `try: -b do -p linux64 -u devtools-tests,mochitest-dt -t none --artifact` but devtools node tests were not being run, so I added a new job on try itself. The added task is named: source-test-node-devtools-tests. This runs the jest tests as shown in the log: https://treeherder.mozilla.org/logviewer.html#/jobs?job_id=239330319&repo=try&lineNumber=69. The jest test for the reducer passes once but is run again and fails on second run due to a missing `&&` that I'll add and run again. I ran again with `try: -b do -p linux64 -u devtools-tests,source-test-node-devtools-tests -t none --artifact`, but still I have to add the node tests using "Add new job".