Bug 1541601 Comment 8 Edit History

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Last I checked the omni.ja prefs override the ones in prefs.

We update beta users to RC and not just QA systems. If the channel were baked in some how beta users would end up on release when we test RC's on beta.

I've considered doing something along the lines of what we do with project branches on all channels.
nightly (nightly baked in)
nightly-oak (nightly baked in and "-oak" determined by an external file)

This way the base channel name couldn't be set to something that isn't supported and it would still allow QA to use test channels. This would require beta and aurora to be something along the release-beta and release-aurora. This would also support beta users updating to RC's.
Last I checked the omni.ja prefs override the ones in prefs.

We update beta users to RC and not just QA systems. If the channel were baked in some how beta users would end up on release when we test RC's on beta.

I've considered doing something along the lines of what we do with project branches on all channels.
nightly (nightly baked in)
nightly-oak (nightly baked in and "-oak" determined by an external file)

This way the base channel name couldn't be set to something that isn't supported and it would still allow QA to use test channels. This would require beta and aurora to be something along the release-beta and release-aurora. This would also support beta users updating to RC's.

It is read from the default prefs which is why user prefs don't work to set this.
Last I checked the omni.ja prefs override the ones in prefs.

We update beta users to RC and not just QA systems. If the channel were baked in some how beta users would end up on release when we test RC's on beta.

I've considered doing something along the lines of what we do with project branches on all channels.
nightly (nightly baked in)
nightly-oak (nightly baked in and "-oak" determined by an external file)

This way the base channel name couldn't be set to something that isn't supported and it would still allow QA to use test channels. This would require beta and aurora to be something along the lines of release-beta and release-aurora. This would also support beta users updating to RC's.

It is read from the default prefs which is why user prefs don't work to set this.

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