Bug 1541690 Comment 6 Edit History

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Sorry for the delay in getting back to this. I think for now, going through the backlog of bugs with this field, and disabling it for new bugs is the right choice.

:designakt, let's consider the best way to get UX invovled when you have time. 

One thing we could do is to use something similar to what the performance team does, to prioritize bugs, but using a tracking/status flag for it:

ux:p? is untriaged

Or similar.
Sorry for the delay in getting back to this. I think for now, going through the backlog of bugs with this field, and disabling it for new bugs is the right choice.

:designakt, let's consider the best way to get UX invovled when you have time. I sent a meeting request for May.

One thing we could do is to use something similar to what the performance team does to prioritize bugs, but using a tracking/status flag for it. An example is.

ux:p? is work for which ux has been requested, but is not triaged
ux:p1 is work for current release
ux:p2 is work for next release/stretch for this release
ux:p3 is backlog

Or similar. Or you might want to use milestones rather than priorities.

Doing this makes reporting on backlogs a little easier.
Sorry for the delay in getting back to this. ~I think for now, going through the backlog of bugs with this field, and disabling it for new bugs is the right choice.~

ETA: :jdavis said that they are using this keyword and a member of the UX team is monitoring it.

:designakt, let's consider the best way to get UX invovled when you have time. I sent a meeting request for May.

One thing we could do is to use something similar to what the performance team does to prioritize bugs, but using a tracking/status flag for it. An example is.

ux:p? is work for which ux has been requested, but is not triaged
ux:p1 is work for current release
ux:p2 is work for next release/stretch for this release
ux:p3 is backlog

Or similar. Or you might want to use milestones rather than priorities.

Doing this makes reporting on backlogs a little easier.

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