5 of 5. Adds error classes needed by the `raiseForStatus` function. This function is currently not called anywhere, but better to add the classes it needs so it's ready to go and avoid no-undef eslint exceptions. With these patches applied I tested by subscribing to a read-only fastmail calendar via caldav. The unit tests pass locally, and I'll add a try run to this comment shortly.
Bug 1546606 Comment 46 Edit History
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5 of 5. Adds error classes needed by the `raiseForStatus` function. This function is currently not called anywhere, but better to add the classes it needs so it's ready to go and avoid no-undef eslint exceptions. With these patches applied I tested by subscribing to a read-only fastmail calendar via caldav. The unit tests pass locally, and I'll add a try run to this comment shortly. Edit: try run just started: https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=try-comm-central&revision=68161785182a29648fb8aa74660d95cae648a6c8