BrowsingContext is refcounted, and using BrowsingContext[] would trigger us using IPDLParamTraits<nsTArray<RefPtr<BrowsingContext>>::WriteInternal which moves the elements of the array into WriteIPDLParam which in turn tries to invoke BrowsingContext::~delete and that is deleted due to it being refcounted. That is, if we have: template <typename T> struct Strip { typedef T Type; }; template <typename T> struct Strip<RefPtr<T>> { typedef T Type; }; template <typename T> static void Baz(T* a) { } template <typename T> struct Foo { template <typename U> static void Bar(U&& a) { Baz<typename Strip<T>::Type>(std::forward<U>(a)); } }; static void Qux() { RefPtr<BrowsingContext> c; Foo<RefPtr<BrowsingContext>>::Bar(std::move(c)); } stuff breaks.
Bug 1547218 Comment 0 Edit History
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`BrowsingContext` is refcounted, and using `BrowsingContext[]` would trigger us using `IPDLParamTraits<nsTArray<RefPtr<BrowsingContext>>::WriteInternal` which moves the elements of the array into `WriteIPDLParam` which in turn tries to invoke `BrowsingContext::~delete` and that is deleted due to it being refcounted. That is, if we have: ``` template <typename T> struct Strip { typedef T Type; }; template <typename T> struct Strip<RefPtr<T>> { typedef T Type; }; template <typename T> static void Baz(T* a) { } template <typename T> struct Foo { template <typename U> static void Bar(U&& a) { Baz<typename Strip<T>::Type>(std::forward<U>(a)); } }; static void Qux() { RefPtr<BrowsingContext> c; Foo<RefPtr<BrowsingContext>>::Bar(std::move(c)); } ``` stuff breaks.