When clicking on links in the UI, if the browser (I'm suing Firefox as default) is closed, the link opens properly. If the browser is already open, the link gets opened in a new Tab inside Thunderbird, and a dialog error appears. This happens when trying to click on `Get involved` or `Make a Donation` in the About Dialog on Daily. Firefox dialog error: ``` Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system. ``` Javascript error: ``` JavaScript error: https://donate.mozilla.org/api/polyfill.js?features=Event,CustomEvent,Promise&locale=en-US, line 3: EvalError: call to Function() blocked by CSP ```
Bug 1551989 Comment 0 Edit History
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When clicking on links in the UI, if the browser (I'm suing Firefox as default) is closed, the link opens properly. If the browser is already open, the link gets opened in a new Tab inside Thunderbird, and a dialog error appears. This happens when trying to click on `Get involved` or `Make a Donation` in the About Dialog on Daily. Firefox dialog error: ``` Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system. ``` Javascript error: `JavaScript error: https://donate.mozilla.org/api/polyfill.js?features=Event,CustomEvent,Promise&locale=en-US, line 3: EvalError: call to Function() blocked by CSP`