I'm reopening this bug as I'm able to reproduce it. The steps are 1. Go the about:welcome page 2. Log in into your firefox sync account (click to the FxA Avatar icon from the Toolbar --> Turn on Sync). Please enter an address that is already verified. 3. Click on Continue **Expected result** User is taken to the "Sign in" page **Actual result** Page to sign in does not load completely and it gets stuck loading. (See attached gif for reference)
Bug 1555320 Comment 12 Edit History
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I'm reopening this bug as I'm able to reproduce it. The steps are 1. Go the about:welcome page 2. Use an email address that is already verified. 3. Click on Continue **Expected result** User is taken to the "Sign in" page to enter their password. **Actual result** Page to sign in does not load completely and it gets stuck loading. (See attached gif for reference)