This is a Firefox specific restriction, and doesn't happen onChromium (Google Chrome). Steps to reproduce: 1. Install any extension with commands, for example [Reopen closed tab Button™]( It reopens most recently closed tab. 2. Go to chrome://extensions/shortcuts 3. Set keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Shift-L for Reopen closed tab Button™. 4. Open in the current tab. 5. Hit Ctrl-Shift-L to confirm the effectivity of the shortcut. 6 Hit Ctrl-Shift-J to open the web console. 7. Run a script: addEventListener('keydown', e => { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }, true); with the console. 8. Hit Ctrl-Shift-L. Then the command is invoked and most recently closed tab is restored for me.
Bug 1555620 Comment 1 Edit History
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This is a Firefox specific restriction, and doesn't happen onChromium (Google Chrome). Steps to reproduce: 1. Install any extension with commands, for example [Reopen closed tab Button™]( It reopens most recently closed tab. 2. Go to chrome://extensions/shortcuts 3. Set keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Shift-L for Reopen closed tab Button™. 4. Open in the current tab. 5. Hit Ctrl-Shift-L to confirm the effectivity of the shortcut. 6. Hit Ctrl-Shift-J to open the web console. 7. Run a script: addEventListener('keydown', e => { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }, true); with the console. 8. Hit Ctrl-Shift-L. Then the command is invoked and most recently closed tab is restored for me.