With my patch enabled, the STR to test it is the following: Create 2 files in the same folder. 1. a.html: --- <script> console.log(1); try { console.log(2); let a = new Worker('a.js'); a.onerror = e => { console.log(e); } console.log(3); } catch(e) { console.log("AA", e); } </script> --- 2. a.js: --- console.log("WHAT?!?"); --- Run file:///the/path/of/a.html In the console you should not see 'WHAT?!?'. Instead "AA something" is good. If you set the pref privacy.file_unique_origin to false, you should see 'WHAT?!?'
Bug 1558299 Comment 18 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
With my patch enabled, the STR to test it is the following: Create 2 files in the same folder. 1. a.html: ``` <script> console.log(1); try { console.log(2); let a = new Worker('a.js'); a.onerror = e => { console.log(e); } console.log(3); } catch(e) { console.log("AA", e); } </script> ``` 2. a.js: ``` console.log("WHAT?!?"); ``` Run file:///the/path/of/a.html In the console you should not see 'WHAT?!?'. Instead "AA something" is good. If you set the pref privacy.file_unique_origin to false, you should see 'WHAT?!?'