Inspired by a post on reddit: I am seeing some unexpected behavior around autofill suggestions in the addressbar. Steps to reproduce: 1. Disable search suggestions in address bar 2. Type and press enter into address bar 3. Notice page loaded is 4. close tab 5. Type ```pla``` into address bar What happens: The suggestions that appear are: ``` Google Play Music - - ``` Expected result: `````` is the page that is atuofilled, since it is the page that I actually loaded in step 2-3. Less ideal but still acceptable as a suggestion would be `````` since that is what I literally typed. What doesn't make sense to me at all is why `````` is shown as a suggestion - I never navigated OR typed the url. It is worth noting that this doesn't always happen. If I navigate to `````` and then type either ```wiki``` or ```res```, I am not suggested to go to ``````, for example.
Bug 1560821 Comment 0 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
Inspired by a post on reddit: I am seeing some unexpected behavior around autofill suggestions in the addressbar. Steps to reproduce: 1. Disable search suggestions in address bar 2. Type and press enter into address bar 3. Notice page loaded is 4. close tab 5. Type ```pla``` into address bar What happens: The suggestions that appear are: ``` Google Play Music - - ``` Expected result: `````` is the page that is atuofilled, since it is the page that I actually loaded in step 2-3. Less ideal but still acceptable as a suggestion would be `````` since that is what I literally typed. What doesn't make sense to me at all is why `````` is shown as a suggestion - I never navigated OR typed the url. It is worth noting that this doesn't always happen. If I navigate to `````` and then type either ```wiki``` or ```res```, I am not suggested to go to ``````, for example.
Inspired by a post on reddit: I am seeing some unexpected behavior around autofill suggestions in the addressbar. Steps to reproduce: 1. Disable search suggestions in address bar 2. Type and press enter into address bar 3. Notice page loaded is 4. close tab 5. Type ```pla``` into address bar What happens: The suggestions that appear are: ``` Google Play Music - - ``` Expected result: `````` is the page that is atuofilled, since it is the page that I actually loaded in step 2-3. Less ideal but still acceptable as a suggestion would be `````` since that is what I literally typed. What doesn't make sense to me at all is why `````` is shown as a suggestion - I never navigated OR typed the url. Additionally, navigating to would actually end up redirecting me to which is also not where I wanted to go, so it is really a poor suggestion -- it doesn't even take me to the place it says it is going to go (and I didn't even want to go there, based on what I had previously typed). It is worth noting that this doesn't always happen. If I navigate to `````` and then type either ```wiki``` or ```res```, I am not suggested to go to ``````, for example.
Inspired by a post on reddit: I am seeing some unexpected behavior around autofill suggestions in the addressbar. Steps to reproduce: 1. Disable search suggestions in address bar 2. Type and press enter into address bar 3. Notice page loaded is 4. close tab 5. Type ```pla``` into address bar What happens: The suggestions that appear are: ``` Google Play Music - - ``` Expected result: `````` is the page that is atuofilled, since it is the page that I actually loaded in step 2-3. Less ideal but still acceptable as a suggestion would be `````` since that is what I literally typed. What doesn't make sense to me at all is why `````` is shown as a suggestion - I never navigated OR typed the url. Additionally, navigating to would actually end up redirecting me to which is also not where I wanted to go, so it is really a poor suggestion -- it doesn't even take me to the place it says it is going to go (and I didn't even want to go there, based on what I had previously typed). It is worth noting that this doesn't always happen. If I navigate to and then type either ```wiki``` or ```res```, I am not suggested to go to ``````, for example.
Inspired by a post on reddit: I am seeing some unexpected behavior around autofill suggestions in the addressbar. Steps to reproduce: 1. Disable search suggestions in address bar 2. Type and press enter into address bar 3. Notice page loaded is 4. close tab 5. Type ```pla``` into address bar What happens: The suggestions that appear are: ``` Google Play Music - - ``` Expected result: `````` is the page that is atuofilled, since it is the page that I actually loaded in step 2-3. Less ideal but still acceptable as a suggestion would be `````` since that is what I literally typed. What doesn't make sense to me at all is why `````` is shown as a suggestion or autofilled - I never navigated OR typed the url. Additionally, navigating to would actually end up redirecting me to which is also not where I wanted to go, so it is really a poor suggestion -- it doesn't even take me to the place it says it is going to go (and I didn't even want to go there, based on what I had previously typed). It is worth noting that this doesn't always happen. If I navigate to and then type either ```wiki``` or ```res```, I am not suggested to go to ``````, for example.