Bug 1563841 Comment 3 Edit History

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Because of the ability, the control and the privacy. What's more, I don't want some old bookmark folders to be visible there anymore, especially when I'm sharing work PC with other people on same system account and same browser profile, as it's violation of my privacy, because I can't clean in Firefox last used bookmark folder in New Bookmark/Bookmarks/StarUI window, so other people will see them. It's same thing like with: downloads items, history items, cookies, cache, site preferences, offline website data, logins, passwords, addresses etc., which I able to clean all or some parts of them.

I really don't understand why Firefox still can't do that simple basic thing, especially when Mozilla is prioritizing the privacy in manifest.
Source: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/manifesto/
> Principle 4 - Individuals’ security and privacy on the internet are fundamental and must not be treated as optional.
Because of the ability, the control, the privacy and there is no any reason to forbidding users doing this. What's more, I don't want some old bookmark folders to be visible there anymore, especially when I'm sharing work PC with other people on same system account and same browser profile, as it's violation of my privacy, because I can't clean in Firefox last used bookmark folder in New Bookmark/Bookmarks/StarUI window, so other people will see them. I able to clean all or some parts: Top Sites in Firefox Home, Highlights in Firefox Home, downloads items, history items, cookies, cache, site preferences, offline website data, logins, passwords, addresses etc., so why behaving differently with last used bookmarks folders, especially when other software allowing this?

I really don't understand why Firefox still can't do that simple basic thing, especially when Mozilla is prioritizing the privacy in manifest.
Source: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/manifesto/
> Principle 4 - Individuals’ security and privacy on the internet are fundamental and must not be treated as optional.

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