Bug 1565160 Comment 0 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

### Affected versions:
Nightly 70.0a1 (2019-07-10), Beta 69.0b3, Release 68.0

### Affected platforms:

### Prerequisites:
 Access FF and enter in about:config.
 Type devtools.responsive.metaViewport.enabled and set the value to "true".

### Steps:

  1. Open FF and access https://jsfiddle.net/qyx5qccm/
  2. Bring on the RDM (CTRL+Shift+M) and make sure that the Touch Simulation is enabled.
  3. Open the inspector (CTRL+Shift+C) then click on "Pick an element from the page" (1st icon button of inspector) click over the red div element in the test page.
  4. Click on the Console tab from the Inspector.
  5. Refresh the page and click again in the red div element.

### Expected result:
  No events should be logged in the Console when an element is selected.

### Actual result:
  Events are logged in the console every click on the red div after refresh the page.

### Note: This issue occurs only with touch simulation enabled and just after refresh the page.
### Affected versions:
Nightly 70.0a1 (2019-07-10), Beta 69.0b3, Release 68.0

### Affected platforms:

### Prerequisites:
 Access FF and enter in about:config.
 Type devtools.responsive.metaViewport.enabled and set the value to "true".

### Steps:

  1. Open FF and access https://jsfiddle.net/qyx5qccm/
  2. Bring on the RDM (CTRL+Shift+M) and make sure that the Touch Simulation is enabled.
  3. Open the inspector (CTRL+Shift+C) then click on "Pick an element from the page" (1st icon button of inspector) click over the red div element in the test page.
  4. Click on the Console tab from the Inspector.
  5. Refresh the page and click again in the red div element.

### Expected result:
  No events should be logged in the Console when an element is selected.

### Actual result:
  Events are logged in the console every click on the red div after refresh the page.

  Note: This issue occurs only with touch simulation enabled and just after refresh the page.

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