With these fixes, we could now put role="combobox" aria-owns="urlbarView-results" on the moz-input-box parent. However: (In reply to James Teh [:Jamie] from comment #4) > > Sigh... moz-input-box is supposed to go away at some point so we probably don't want to use that. I guess this is bug 1556566? As I see it, we have three options: 1. Put the attributes on the moz-input-box for now and move them to a wrapping span after bug 1556566 is fixed. 2. Wrap the moz-input-box or the input in a span with the attributes above. After bug 1556566, the moz-input-box will be gone, leaving the wrapping span. 3. Leave things as they are right now until bug 1556566 is fixed and add the wrapping span after that. Dao, what would you prefer?
Bug 1567377 Comment 11 Edit History
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With these fixes, we could now put role="combobox" aria-owns="urlbarView-results" on the moz-input-box parent. However: (In reply to Dão Gottwald [::dao] from comment #3) > Sigh... moz-input-box is supposed to go away at some point so we probably don't want to use that. I guess this is bug 1556566? As I see it, we have three options: 1. Put the attributes on the moz-input-box for now and move them to a wrapping span after bug 1556566 is fixed. 2. Wrap the moz-input-box or the input in a span with the attributes above. After bug 1556566, the moz-input-box will be gone, leaving the wrapping span. 3. Leave things as they are right now until bug 1556566 is fixed and add the wrapping span after that. Dao, what would you prefer?