(In reply to Jan de Mooij [:jandem] from comment #11) > I'm wondering if we can stop handling case 2 in comment 10. Case 1 is more common but removing case 2 would regress some Octane tests a lot (say 40%) so that's not a great spot fix. As relatively safe fix we could allocate the initial group upfront and pass it also to AnalyzeNewScriptDefiniteProperties and the constraints added there. Then the constraints could call clearDewScript on both groups. That way we don't affect group assignment etc.
Bug 1568397 Comment 12 Edit History
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(In reply to Jan de Mooij [:jandem] from comment #11) > I'm wondering if we can stop handling case 2 in comment 10. Case 1 is more common but removing case 2 would regress some Octane tests a lot (say 40%) so that's not a great spot fix. As relatively safe fix we could allocate the initial group upfront and pass it also to AnalyzeNewScriptDefiniteProperties and the constraints added there. Then the constraints could call clearNewScript on both groups. That way we don't affect group assignment etc.