Backfill bot from bug 1571372 should stop from directly querying & editing the backfill report from bug 1571369. Instead, it should perform the same operations using the new backfill endpoint from bug 1571378.
Bug 1571383 Comment 0 Edit History
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This web API should be able to trigger backfills & retriggers on Taskcluster. It's highly dependent on the actual backend mechanism for doing these operations. There's a frontend library called taskcluster-client for doing these operations. Don't yet know if there's a backend library as well.
This web API should be able to trigger backfills & retriggers on Taskcluster. It's highly dependent on the actual backend mechanism for doing these operations. There's a frontend library called taskcluster-client for doing these operations. Don't yet know if there's a backend library as well. Work on this ticket could uncover some changes needed for bug 1571364. It's possible we'll need the classes behind that tool to provide extra context.