Bug 1576767 Comment 297 Edit History

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The IDEA bug seems related, but I suspect it's not the same as the one reported here.

One crash report does have the "graphics kernel error" 0xfffffff9/-7. And the "victims" do often (apparently) have external monitors.

But all the other crash reports have a the "graphics kernel error" 0xfffffffc/-4 (those that have a "graphics kernel error" at all). The IDEA crashes seem to happen when the computer goes to sleep, or when it's sleeping. But the Firefox crashes have no observable pattern. The IDEA crashes seem to have started (or greatly increased) with macOS 10.15.5. But the number of Firefox crashes in gpusGenerateCrashLog.cold.1 on macOS 10.15.5 over the last six months is actually considerably lower than the number of crashes on 10.15.4.

And finally, macOS 10.15.6 doesn't fix the bug I reported to Apple. [PatchBug1576767](https://github.com/steven-michaud/PatchBug1576767) still applies its patch (which its sanity checks would prevent it from doing if the bug had been fixed).

macOS 10.15.6 was just released (in the last couple of days). You'll be able to observe whether this "fixes" the IDEA crashes. I suspect it will have no effect on the Firefox crashes. We should be able to tell for sure in the next week or so.

> (BTW absolutely amazing and inspiring debugging work @Steven!)

Thanks! :-)

I'm currently trying to reverse engineer what Apple does with the "sideband buffer" and "command buffers" (what gets "submitted" by gpusSubmitDataBuffers()) -- on both the user side and the kernel side. But the code is fiercely complex, and my progress has been slow. I've been working on a kernel extension dedicated to this task, with the same functionality as [HookCase](https://github.com/steven-michaud/HookCase). (A general purpose HookCase for kernel mode would be far too dangerous.) I've also added watchpoint support to HookCase and this new kernel extension. Once I'm done with this work (6 months from now?), I should have a much better understanding of how crashes in gpusGenerateCrashLog() can happen. Already, though, I'm pretty sure they can have many different, unrelated causes.
The IDEA bug seems related, but I suspect it's not the same as the one reported here.

One crash report does have the "graphics kernel error" 0xfffffff9/-7. And the "victims" do often (apparently) have external monitors.

But all the other crash reports have the "graphics kernel error" 0xfffffffc/-4 (those that have a "graphics kernel error" at all). The IDEA crashes seem to happen when the computer goes to sleep, or when it's sleeping. But the Firefox crashes have no observable pattern. The IDEA crashes seem to have started (or greatly increased) with macOS 10.15.5. But the number of Firefox crashes in gpusGenerateCrashLog.cold.1 on macOS 10.15.5 over the last six months is actually considerably lower than the number of crashes on 10.15.4.

And finally, macOS 10.15.6 doesn't fix the bug I reported to Apple. [PatchBug1576767](https://github.com/steven-michaud/PatchBug1576767) still applies its patch (which its sanity checks would prevent it from doing if the bug had been fixed).

macOS 10.15.6 was just released (in the last couple of days). You'll be able to observe whether this "fixes" the IDEA crashes. I suspect it will have no effect on the Firefox crashes. We should be able to tell for sure in the next week or so.

> (BTW absolutely amazing and inspiring debugging work @Steven!)

Thanks! :-)

I'm currently trying to reverse engineer what Apple does with the "sideband buffer" and "command buffers" (what gets "submitted" by gpusSubmitDataBuffers()) -- on both the user side and the kernel side. But the code is fiercely complex, and my progress has been slow. I've been working on a kernel extension dedicated to this task, with the same functionality as [HookCase](https://github.com/steven-michaud/HookCase). (A general purpose HookCase for kernel mode would be far too dangerous.) I've also added watchpoint support to HookCase and this new kernel extension. Once I'm done with this work (6 months from now?), I should have a much better understanding of how crashes in gpusGenerateCrashLog() can happen. Already, though, I'm pretty sure they can have many different, unrelated causes.

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