mt: ``` The DNS domain search list (DHCPv4 option 119 or DHCPv6 option 24) provides a list of domain suffixes that clients might append to names. This enables the use of URLs with bare names (e.g., “https://go/”) in client software. These names are frequently attached to local name resolution, so we might assume that any eTLD+1 that is on this list is a suffix of a local name. Thus, if a name matches the search list and includes more labels than the provided suffix, it can be sent to the local resolver. Bare names would also be sent to the local resolver. Using eTLD+1 ensures that networks can’t configure search lists like “.com” to cause requests to be routed to a local resolver. The natural limits on the size of DHCP responses will ensure that this list is short and is sufficient encouragement to network operators to limit the list to those names that are important to them. ```
Bug 1582472 Comment 0 Edit History
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mt: ` The DNS domain search list (DHCPv4 option 119 or DHCPv6 option 24) provides a list of domain suffixes that clients might append to names. This enables the use of URLs with bare names (e.g., “https://go/”) in client software. These names are frequently attached to local name resolution, so we might assume that any eTLD+1 that is on this list is a suffix of a local name. Thus, if a name matches the search list and includes more labels than the provided suffix, it can be sent to the local resolver. Bare names would also be sent to the local resolver. Using eTLD+1 ensures that networks can’t configure search lists like “.com” to cause requests to be routed to a local resolver. The natural limits on the size of DHCP responses will ensure that this list is short and is sufficient encouragement to network operators to limit the list to those names that are important to them. `