We need to do some work to port various AWS optimizations for hg.mo over to GCP. Namely: - Uploading bundles to the GCP equivalent of AWS S3. - Determining if the origin IP address for a request comes from a GCP advertised IP block (ie the GCP equivalent of [AWS' IP ranges document](https://ip-ranges.amazonaws.com/ip-ranges.json). - Prioritizing stream clone bundles from the same GCP region to requests coming from these IP blocks.
Bug 1585133 Comment 0 Edit History
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We need to do some work to port various AWS optimizations for hg.mo over to GCP. Namely: - Uploading bundles to the GCP equivalent of AWS S3. - Determining if the origin IP address for a request comes from a GCP advertised IP block (ie the GCP equivalent of [AWS' IP ranges document](https://ip-ranges.amazonaws.com/ip-ranges.json), which appears to be [this process](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/faq#find_ip_range). - Prioritizing stream clone bundles from the same GCP region to requests coming from these IP blocks.
We need to do some work to port various AWS optimizations for hg.mo over to GCP. Namely: - Uploading bundles to the GCP equivalent of AWS S3. - Determining if the origin IP address for a request comes from a GCP advertised IP block, ie the GCP equivalent of [AWS' IP ranges document](https://ip-ranges.amazonaws.com/ip-ranges.json), which appears to be [this process](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/faq#find_ip_range). - Prioritizing stream clone bundles from the same GCP region to requests coming from these IP blocks.