Bug 1588789 Comment 0 Edit History

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Currently we log `workerReady` the first time generic-worker starts up, but it isn't actually ready for work until it first calls `queue.claimWork` on a subsequent reboot.

`workerReady` should only be logged just before the very first queue.claimWork call of the current running process (i.e. to be logged once per boot when it is first able to claim a task).
Currently we log `workerReady` the first time generic-worker starts up, but it isn't actually ready for work until it first calls `queue.claimWork` on a subsequent reboot.

`workerReady` should only be logged just before the very first `queue.claimWork` call of the current running process (i.e. to be logged once per boot when it is first able to claim a task).

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