Agreed, it would be good to have an AWS fallback to mitigate any of the following potential scenarios: * We have problems with licensing Windows 7 / Windows 10 workers in Google Cloud * We have problems under load in GCP * We have problems greening up jobs in GCP We only don't need AWS Provider support if none of these things go wrong, which is a considerable risk to take. The alternatives to adding support in generic-worker natively are also considerably more complex: * Getting generic-worker working with worker-runner in Windows (and having windows releases of worker-runner that run as a windows service, plus the changes needed to OpenCloudConfig etc) * Migrating AWS Provisioner to the new firefox-ci cluster (a huge change) * Continuing to run AWS Provisioner under but getting it talking to the firefox CI cluster (huge job, lot of risk) So I agree that adding the support in generic-worker natively is relatively straightforward, key to mitigating risk of the above listed issues, and much easier than the alternative approaches to achieving the same. In other words, we should totally do this - so I will look into it in the coming days. Although first we'll need bug 1518507 to be tackled...
Bug 1588834 Comment 6 Edit History
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Agreed, it would be good to have an AWS fallback to mitigate any of the following potential scenarios: * We have problems with licensing Windows 7 / Windows 10 workers in Google Cloud * We have problems under load in GCP * We have problems greening up jobs in GCP We only don't need AWS Provider support if none of these things go wrong, which is a considerable risk to take. The alternatives to adding support in generic-worker natively are also considerably more complex: * Getting generic-worker working with worker-runner in Windows (and having windows releases of worker-runner that run as a windows service, plus the changes needed to OpenCloudConfig etc) * Migrating AWS Provisioner to the new firefox-ci cluster (a huge change) * Continuing to run AWS Provisioner under but getting it talking to the firefox CI cluster (huge job, lot of risk) So I agree that adding the support in generic-worker natively is relatively straightforward, key to mitigating risk of the above listed issues, and much easier than the alternative approaches to achieving the same. In other words, we should totally do this - so I will look into it in the coming days. Although first we might need bug 1518507 to be completed (including child bug 1588625).