prod QA: * monitors passing and I see the new `fx_reality_apk_v1` and `extension_rsa_dep` * AMO TODO * Kinto TODO :bpitts or :miles can you run "./ update_signatures --force" to test signing Normandy recipes on the Normandy prod admin host?
Bug 1589166 Comment 12 Edit History
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prod QA: * monitors passing and I see the new `fx_reality_apk_v1` and `extension_rsa_dep` * AMO test addon signed and sig looks good * Kinto TODO pending normandy signing :bpitts or :miles can you run "./ update_signatures --force" to test signing Normandy recipes on the Normandy prod admin host?
prod QA: * monitors passing and I see the new `fx_reality_apk_v1` and `extension_rsa_dep` * AMO test addon signed and sig looks good * Kinto refresh lambda passed (RequestId: ed08e3de-fc0c-4e19-beef-866d9a9a9594) prod and prod preview synced without errors or warnings :bpitts or :miles can you run "./ update_signatures --force" to test signing Normandy recipes on the Normandy prod admin host?