FWIW, I've only removed `nsXULLabelFrame` (so <label> without value attribute), I don't expect any rewriting or test changes needed from this. `<label value>` uses `nsTextBoxFrame` which isn't removed by this patch. Here's a `./mach try auto --no-artifact`: https://treeherder.mozilla.org/jobs?repo=try&revision=b935846e05faf3caf441a8c38b2c56319270b6e5
Bug 1590884 Comment 12 Edit History
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FWIW, I've only removed `nsXULLabelFrame` (so <label> without value attribute), I don't expect any rewriting or test changes needed from this. `<label value>` uses `nsTextBoxFrame` which isn't removed by this patch. Here's a `./mach try auto --no-artifact`: https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=try&revision=f08d1bc8ed0a04870357f297b429315c3933766b