Bug 1593483 Comment 7 Edit History

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I've updated `pmoore-test/gwci-linux` to use the same AMIs under AWS Provider instead of AWS Provisioner. I successfully submitted a task, and I manually updated the worker pool config to change the deployment IDs. I'm now tailing the logs to wait for the deployment ID check. In ten minutes or so we should see if this is working under AWS Provider too.
I've updated `pmoore-test/gwci-linux` to use the same AMIs under AWS Provider instead of AWS Provisioner. I successfully submitted a task, and I manually updated the worker pool config to change the deployment IDs. I'm now tailing the logs on [i-0f9fa55fe51ca14e6](https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/home?region=us-east-1#Instances:search=i-0f9fa55fe51ca14e6;sort=tag:Name) to wait for the deployment ID check. In ten minutes or so we should see if this is working under AWS Provider too.
I've updated `pmoore-test/gwci-linux` to use the same AMIs under AWS Provider instead of AWS Provisioner. I successfully submitted [a task](https://tools.taskcluster.net/groups/PBGAo45WSDiNDFTSR3BEeg/tasks/PBGAo45WSDiNDFTSR3BEeg/runs/0/logs/public%2Flogs%2Flive.log), and I manually updated the worker pool config to change the deployment IDs. I'm now tailing the logs on [i-0f9fa55fe51ca14e6](https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/home?region=us-east-1#Instances:search=i-0f9fa55fe51ca14e6;sort=tag:Name) to wait for the deployment ID check. In ten minutes or so we should see if this is working under AWS Provider too.
I've updated `pmoore-test/gwci-linux` to use the same AMIs under AWS Provider instead of AWS Provisioner. I successfully submitted [a task](https://tools.taskcluster.net/groups/PBGAo45WSDiNDFTSR3BEeg/tasks/PBGAo45WSDiNDFTSR3BEeg/runs/0/logs/public%2Flogs%2Flive.log), and I manually updated the worker pool config to change the deployment IDs. I'm now tailing the logs on [i-0f9fa55fe51ca14e6](https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/home?region=us-east-1#Instances:search=i-0f9fa55fe51ca14e6;sort=tag:Name) (after modifying its Security Groups to allow ssh) to wait for the deployment ID check. In ten minutes or so we should see if this is working under AWS Provider too.

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