Bug 1597136 Comment 19 Edit History

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(In reply to Armen [:armenzg] from comment #16)

> Thanks for checking. If this was a code related issue we would also see something similar happening on stage.

How does your stage database compare in size to your production database?
(In reply to Armen [:armenzg] from comment #16)

> Thanks for checking. If this was a code related issue we would also see something similar happening on stage.

How does your stage database compare in size to your production database?  Also, this production database is a 2xlarge of what instance class?  R3?
(In reply to Armen [:armenzg] from comment #16)

> Thanks for checking. If this was a code related issue we would also see something similar happening on stage.

How does your stage database compare in size to your production database?  Also, this production database is a 2xlarge of what instance class?  R3?  Also helpful would be the output of "SHOW TABLE STATUS;", the RDS parameter group, and the table schema.

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