The links work if I allow these scripts to load: ``` ``` The page is relying on the ads being loaded and shown, or at least for the ad scripts to inject some nodes. This is done when they make calls like this in their scripts: ``` top.googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1586289900942-0'); ``` And when I shim the `googletag` object completely enough so that it can accept their site's commands (mainly as no-ops aside from the `display` method actually adding the nodes they expect -- a single div will do), then I can click the links as expected. So we can likely handle these kinds of cases by shimming `gpt.js` (it appears that the second script can remain blocked with my minimal shim).
Bug 1600538 Comment 3 Edit History
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The links work if I allow these scripts to load: ``` ``` The page is relying on the ads being loaded and shown, or at least for the ad scripts to inject some nodes. This is done when they make calls like this in their scripts: ``` top.googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1586289900942-0'); ``` And when I shim the `googletag` object completely enough so that it can accept their site's commands (mainly as no-ops aside from the `display` method actually adding the nodes they expect -- a single div will do), then I can click the links as expected. So we can likely handle these kinds of cases by shimming `gpt.js` (it appears that the second `pubads_impl` script can remain blocked with my minimal shim).