### Beta/Release Uplift Approval Request * **User impact if declined**: This telemetry is important for both the Layout team (fragmentation work) and the Firefox frontend team (UX redesign). We would like to get it into Firefox 78 since this is an ESR release, and many of our corporate users who print more frequently, use ESR. It will help inform our decisions to be most impactful for users, and to measure success criteria. Preemptively requesting uplift approval, although it's not actually made it into a Nightly release yet. * **Is this code covered by automated tests?**: No * **Has the fix been verified in Nightly?**: Yes * **Needs manual test from QE?**: No * **If yes, steps to reproduce**: * **List of other uplifts needed**: None * **Risk to taking this patch**: Low * **Why is the change risky/not risky? (and alternatives if risky)**: The patch adds telemetry and should not contain behavior changes. Really at worst the telemetry could in principal have been implemented incorrectly and we'll end up with useless data. * **String changes made/needed**: none
Bug 1600623 Comment 8 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
### Beta/Release Uplift Approval Request * **User impact if declined**: This telemetry is important for both the Layout team (fragmentation work) and the Firefox frontend team (UX redesign). We would like to get it into Firefox 78 since this is an ESR release, and many of our corporate users who print more frequently, use ESR. It will help inform our decisions to be most impactful for users, and to measure success criteria. Preemptively requesting uplift approval, although it's not actually made it into a Nightly release yet. * **Is this code covered by automated tests?**: No * **Has the fix been verified in Nightly?**: Yes (well, it has landed, so that's in process) * **Needs manual test from QE?**: No * **If yes, steps to reproduce**: * **List of other uplifts needed**: None * **Risk to taking this patch**: Low * **Why is the change risky/not risky? (and alternatives if risky)**: The patch adds telemetry and should not contain behavior changes. Really at worst the telemetry could in principal have been implemented incorrectly and we'll end up with useless data. * **String changes made/needed**: none