### Beta/Release Uplift Approval Request * **User impact if declined**: Users using webrtc services may appear with video a few seconds behind audio, on the other participants' screen. * **Is this code covered by automated tests?**: No * **Has the fix been verified in Nightly?**: No * **Needs manual test from QE?**: Yes * **If yes, steps to reproduce**: See comment 0. * **List of other uplifts needed**: None * **Risk to taking this patch**: Low * **Why is the change risky/not risky? (and alternatives if risky)**: This mainly shuffles some things on main thread around. The biggest risk is missing some event on the newly introduced MediaTrack that was only signaled on the old one, but I can't think of any more than the one (enabled/disabled) fixed in this patch. * **String changes made/needed**:
Bug 1601034 Comment 18 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
### Beta/Release Uplift Approval Request * **User impact if declined**: Users using webrtc services may appear with video a few seconds behind audio, on the other participants' screen. * **Is this code covered by automated tests?**: No * **Has the fix been verified in Nightly?**: No * **Needs manual test from QE?**: Yes * **If yes, steps to reproduce**: See comment 0. Any whereby room should work now as they've rolled the new interface out everywhere (no mozilla subdomain needed). * **List of other uplifts needed**: None * **Risk to taking this patch**: Low * **Why is the change risky/not risky? (and alternatives if risky)**: This mainly shuffles some things on main thread around. The biggest risk is missing some event on the newly introduced MediaTrack that was only signaled on the old one, but I can't think of any more than the one (enabled/disabled) fixed in this patch. * **String changes made/needed**: